Why train in Human Factors?

Long established in other safety-critical professions (healthcare, aviation, nuclear power), the field of Human Factors is a critical ingredient for delivering high performance.

Veterinary teams are made up of highly talented individuals with a great desire for positive outcomes.  In veterinary medicine, the scientific discipline of Human Factors provides an evidence base for teams to most reliably deliver their clinical (technical) skills, ensuring best outcomes for clients, patients and the team.

What is Human Factors?

  • Wellbeing & Resilience

    With such an incredible commitment to looking after patients, it can be hard for veterinary teams to afford the same care for themselves. Discover the importance of tending to our own physiological needs, our mental wellbeing and how to grow a culture of psychological safety in practice.

  • Workplace Culture

    Fundamental to any high-performing team is the culture in which that team works. Often referred to as “the way we do things round here”, culture is the bedrock of any practice. Explore how to grow and sustain a culture in which your team will thrive, will help to develop and want to stay.

  • Patient Safety Tools

    Fundamental to every veterinary team is the reliable delivery of safe patient care. We offer patient safety tools and strategies together with a strong evidence base for how and why we need to pay conscious attention to managing the risk of avoidable harm.

  • Non-Technical Skills

    Veterinary teams have extensive knowledge and clinical training although it is not yet common for the same value to be placed on critical non-technical skills which are pertinent for safe patient care. Such skills include communication, stress and workload management, leadership, decision-making and situational awareness. Discover how the latest research and the use of observations and simulations can help your teams perform at their best.

  • Systems & Processes

    Veterinary practices are complex systems involving the interaction of people, work tasks, technology, physical environment and procedures/protocols. To enable our people to be at their best for their patients, we must 'look beyond individuals' and design systems which allow them to perform optimally. We explore systems design, communications structures, safety reporting systems, quality improvement processes and much more.

  • High Performing Teams

    Performance in practice is something all veterinary teams are inherently motivated by, in terms of the outcomes for patients but also for the team and for the organisational as a whole. We dig into the science behind what makes a high-performing team, what consistently outstanding teams have in common and what you can do to provide the highest likelihood of consistently achieving the best outcomes.

What will I learn?

In our constantly updating online training content, you will discover the essential discipline of Human Factors.

  • What is Human Factors

  • Why it is essential for all veterinary teams

  • How to integrate a Human Factors approach in your clinic

  • Key information to share with your team

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