VetLed: Enhancing Performance in Practice
We educate and empower veterinary professionals and leaders at every level to bring out the best in their organisations, teams and people.
Long established in other safety-critical professions (healthcare, aviation, nuclear power), the field of Human Factors is a critical ingredient for delivering high performance.
Veterinary teams are made up of highly talented individuals with a great desire for positive outcomes. In veterinary medicine, the scientific discipline of Human Factors provides an evidence base for teams to most reliably deliver their clinical (technical) skills, ensuring best outcomes for clients, patients and the team.
In our constantly updating online training content, you will discover the essential discipline of Human Factors.
What is Human Factors
Why it is essential for all veterinary teams
How to integrate a Human Factors approach in your clinic
Key information to share with your team
“I didn't know what to expect from the conference but I definitely was blown away by it and the quality of the speakers especially Helen Silver-MacMahon was amazing.”
“This course was excellent. My eyes have been opened to the impact that incivility can have on individuals, teams and patient care. [The course] was paced very well to allow group discussion and individual reflection and felt very applicable to each person's situation. I'd recommend this course to everyone with an interest in safe patient care and better team working.”
““The most inspiring CPD I have done in 15 years””
“Dan's talk was fascinating and thought-provoking. It is so applicable to our work in the veterinary sector, both in terms of communication and Human Factors within our practices. Learning in these current times to be adaptive with all that is going on in the world around us is so important.”
“An excellent programme delivered by Helen who was motivational, knowledgeable and encouraging, I found the course and my co-delegates to be an inspiration”
“Once seen, Human Factors can’t be unseen!”
“I didn't know what to expect from the conference but I definitely was blown away by it and the quality of the speakers especially Helen Silver-MacMahon was amazing.”
“This course was excellent. My eyes have been opened to the impact that incivility can have on individuals, teams and patient care. [The course] was paced very well to allow group discussion and individual reflection and felt very applicable to each person's situation. I'd recommend this course to everyone with an interest in safe patient care and better team working.”
““The most inspiring CPD I have done in 15 years””
“Dan's talk was fascinating and thought-provoking. It is so applicable to our work in the veterinary sector, both in terms of communication and Human Factors within our practices. Learning in these current times to be adaptive with all that is going on in the world around us is so important.”
“An excellent programme delivered by Helen who was motivational, knowledgeable and encouraging, I found the course and my co-delegates to be an inspiration”
“Once seen, Human Factors can’t be unseen!”
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